ambergris |
a gray, waxy substance from the intestines of sperm whales, used in making perfume. |
amberjack |
any of various large game fishes of warm oceans; yellowtail. |
ambi- |
both; two. |
ambiance |
the distinctive character or mood of an environment; atmosphere. [2 definitions] |
ambidextrous |
able to use both hands with equal skill. |
ambience |
variant of ambiance. |
ambient |
surrounding or encompassing. [3 definitions] |
ambiguity |
uncertainty or vagueness in meaning, intention, or the like. [3 definitions] |
ambiguous |
having two or more possible meanings or interpretations. [2 definitions] |
ambition |
a strong desire to reach a set goal or to be generally successful in life, esp. the desire to become famous, wealthy, or powerful. [2 definitions] |
ambitionless |
having no strong desire to set or reach goals; being without ambition. |
ambitious |
having or showing ambition. [2 definitions] |
ambivalence |
the presence of conflicting feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, thing, or situation. [2 definitions] |
ambivalent |
of feelings and emotions, conflicting; pulling in opposite directions. [2 definitions] |
amble |
to walk at an easy, leisurely pace; stroll. [2 definitions] |
ambrosia |
in Greek and Roman mythology, the food or drink of the gods. [3 definitions] |
ambulance |
a vehicle equipped to carry ill or injured people. |
ambulance chaser |
(informal) a lawyer who persistently seeks accident victims as clients and tries to convince them to sue for damages. |
ambulant |
moving about; shifting from place to place. |
ambulate |
to walk or move about from place to place. |
ambulatory |
able to walk about. [5 definitions] |