aneurysm |
a dilation in a particular part of an artery caused by weakness in the vessel wall. |
anew |
once again; afresh. [2 definitions] |
a new lease on life |
an opportunity to live a happier life because of improved circumstances. |
angary |
the legal right of a state or nation at war to seize, destroy, or otherwise use the property of a neutral state, provided proper compensation is made. |
angel |
in certain theologies, a spiritual being acting as a servant or messenger of God, often represented as a human figure with wings and a halo. [3 definitions] |
angelfish |
any of several types of related tropical fishes having bright colors, winglike fins, and short, circular bodies. |
angel food cake |
a light white sponge cake made of beaten egg whites, cream of tartar, flour, and sugar. |
angelic |
of, concerning, or consisting of an angel or angels. [2 definitions] |
angelica |
any of several types of related plants having clusters of small flowers and a distinctive aroma, often used in cookery and medicine. |
Angelus |
(often l.c.) a prayer recited by some Roman Catholics at morning, noon, and night in memory of the Annunciation. [2 definitions] |
anger |
strong emotion characterized by indignation, dislike, and belligerence; rage; wrath. [4 definitions] |
angerless |
combined form of anger. |
angina |
a condition or disease marked by inflammation of the throat, spasmodic pain, and a sensation of suffocation. [2 definitions] |
angina pectoris |
severe recurrent pain in the chest caused by a sudden decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the heart muscle. |
angiogenesis |
the formation of new blood vessels. |
angiogram |
an x-ray image of blood vessels that is taken after injecting a substance that absorbs x-rays into the blood. |
angiography |
a technique for imaging blood vessels. |
angioma |
a tumor consisting mainly of blood vessels or lymph vessels. |
angioplasty |
surgical repair of a blood vessel. |
angiosarcoma |
a malignant vascular tumor. |
angiosperm |
a flowering plant that holds its seeds within an ovary. |