ankylosis |
the joining or growing together of bones or other hard tissues. [2 definitions] |
anna |
a former copper-nickel coin of India and Pakistan, equaling one sixteenth of a rupee. |
annal |
a record of events for a particular year. |
annalist |
a writer of annals. |
annals |
a chronological record of events, usu. year by year. [3 definitions] |
Annapolis |
the capital of Maryland. [2 definitions] |
anneal |
to heat and then slowly cool (esp. glass or metal) so as to strengthen and make less brittle. |
annelid |
any of various segmented worms such as earthworms and leeches. [2 definitions] |
Annelida |
a phylum of segmented worms that includes earthworms and leeches. |
Anne Sullivan |
a U.S. educator who pioneered techniques for teaching the blind, deaf-blind, and visually impaired through her work with Helen Keller (b.1866--d.1936). |
annex |
to add or attach, esp. to something larger. [4 definitions] |
annexation |
the act of taking and adding (territory) to one's own territory. |
annihilate |
to destroy completely; reduce to ruin. [3 definitions] |
annihilation |
the act of destroying completely, or an instance or state of being completely destroyed. [2 definitions] |
anniversary |
the yearly recurrence of a particular event such as a marriage. [2 definitions] |
anno Domini |
(Latin) in the year of the Lord (often abbreviated "A.D.") |
annotate |
to provide (a written work) with explanatory notes or critical commentary. [2 definitions] |
annotation |
an explanatory or critical note added to a text; commentary. [2 definitions] |
announce |
to make known publicly. [4 definitions] |
announcement |
a public or formal notice, statement, or request. [3 definitions] |
announcer |
a person who announces. [2 definitions] |