annoying |
causing annoyance; irritating; bothersome. |
annual |
happening once every year. [4 definitions] |
annually |
once a year; yearly. |
annual ring |
one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year. |
annuitant |
a person receiving an annuity. |
annuity |
a regular annual income paid at fixed intervals and produced by money invested or by an insurance contract. [2 definitions] |
annul |
to make nonexistent or ineffective; cancel. [2 definitions] |
annular |
ring-shaped. |
annular eclipse |
an eclipse of the sun in which a ring-shaped portion of the sun remains visible around the moon. |
annular ligament |
a ligament in the form of a circle, esp. around the ankle or wrist joint. |
annulate |
consisting of or marked with rings. |
annulet |
an encircling molding, as around the shaft of a column where it joins the capital. |
annulment |
a court decree declaring a marriage to be invalid. [2 definitions] |
annulus |
a ring-shaped part, structure, or area. |
annunciate |
to announce. |
annunciation |
the act of announcing. [2 definitions] |
anode |
the negative terminal of a battery. (Cf. cathode.) |
anodize |
to cover a metal surface with a protective oxide electrolytically, the surface acting as the anode. |
anodyne |
a medication that reduces pain. [4 definitions] |
anoint |
to put oil or ointment on, especially as part of a religious ritual that confers honor and sacredness. [2 definitions] |
anointing of the sick |
a Catholic sacrament in which a priest anoints a person who is in danger of imminent death, while praying for recovery and remission of sins; last rites. |