anti-Christian |
combined form of Christian. |
antichurch |
combined form of church. |
anticigarette |
combined form of cigarette. |
anticipant |
arriving or taking action in advance. [3 definitions] |
anticipate |
to look forward to; expect. [3 definitions] |
anticipation |
the act or process of anticipating. [3 definitions] |
anticipative |
full of anticipation; awaiting or expectant. |
anticipatory |
of, feeling, or expressing anticipation. |
anticity |
hostile, opposed, or causing harm to urban environments. |
anticlassical |
combined form of classical. |
anticlerical |
opposed to the influence of the clergy or church in public affairs, esp. politics. |
anticlimactic |
of, pertaining to, or being in the nature of an anticlimax. |
anticlimax |
a disappointingly weak or ordinary conclusion or event, following events or statements that build expectations for something powerful or moving. [3 definitions] |
anticline |
a formation of rock layers characterized by two downward slopes going in opposite directions from a central crest. (Cf. syncline.) |
anticling |
combined form of cling. |
anticlotting |
combined form of clotting. |
anticoagulant |
that prevents thickening and solidifying, esp. of blood; inhibiting coagulation. [2 definitions] |
anticoagulation |
the process of hindering the clotting of blood. |
anticold |
combined form of cold. |
anticollision |
combined form of collision. |
anticolonial |
combined form of colonial. |