antigen |
any of various substances that, when introduced into a living body, causes the production of antibodies. |
Antigone |
in an ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles, the heroine and title character, who buries her brother in defiance of a state edict and is executed. |
antigovernment |
combined form of government. |
antigrowth |
combined form of growth. |
Antigua |
an island country of the eastern West Indies; Antigua and Barbuda. [2 definitions] |
Antigua and Barbuda |
an independent state in the Caribbean Sea made up of three islands. |
antiguerrilla |
combined form of guerrilla. |
antigun |
combined form of gun. |
anti-hero |
a central character in a story, novel, or play who lacks traditional heroic qualities, such as high purpose or moral strength. |
antiherpes |
combined form of herpes. |
antihijack |
combined form of hijack. |
antihistamine |
any of various drugs used to treat allergies and colds by inhibiting the effects of histamine production in the body. |
antihistorical |
combined form of historical. |
antihomosexual |
combined form of homosexual. |
antihumanism |
combined form of humanism. |
antihumanistic |
combined form of humanistic. |
antihumanitarian |
combined form of humanitarian. |
antihunter |
combined form of hunter. |
antihunting |
combined form of hunting. |
antihydrogen |
the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen. |
antihypertensive |
acting or tending to control hypertension. [2 definitions] |