antileak |
combined form of leak. |
antileprosy |
combined form of leprosy. |
antiliberal |
combined form of liberal. |
antiliberalism |
combined form of liberalism. |
antilibertarian |
combined form of libertarian. |
antiliterate |
combined form of literate. |
antilitter |
combined form of litter. |
antilittering |
combined form of littering. |
Antilles |
the main island chain of the West Indies that includes Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and several smaller islands stretching to the coast of Venezuela. |
antilogarithm |
in mathematics, the number that corresponds to a particular logarithm. |
antilogical |
combined form of logical. |
antilogy |
a contradiction in statements or terms. |
antilynching |
combined form of lynching. |
antimacassar |
a covering, usu. decorative, used on the back or arms of a chair or sofa to protect the upholstery. |
antimacho |
combined form of macho. |
antimagnetic |
unaffected by a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization. |
antimalaria |
combined form of malaria. |
antimalarial |
effective in preventing or fighting malaria. [2 definitions] |
antiman |
combined form of man. |
antimanagement |
combined form of management. |
antimarijuana |
combined form of marijuana. |