antinuclear |
opposed to the development, deployment, or use of nuclear devices such as weapons and power plants. |
antiobesity |
combined form of obesity. |
antiobscenity |
combined form of obscenity. |
antioxidant |
a substance that inhibits oxidation, the removal of electrons from atoms, compounds, or ions. [2 definitions] |
antipapal |
combined form of papal. |
antiparticle |
in physics, either of two subatomic particles that have the same mass, spin, degree of charge, and magnetic moment but that have opposite signs of charge and directions of magnetic moment and whose collision causes mutual annihilation. |
antiparty |
combined form of party. |
antipasto |
in Italian cookery, an appetizer course including smoked meats, olives, fresh and pickled vegetables, cheese, and other foods. |
antipathetic |
having a fundamental dislike of or aversion to someone or something. [2 definitions] |
antipathy |
a deep, continuing dislike; aversion; hatred. [2 definitions] |
antiperiodic |
preventing the periodic recurrence of disease such as malaria. [2 definitions] |
antiperistalsis |
reverse movement in the intestines, alimentary canal, or similar organs, causing the contents of these organs to move backwards. |
antipersonnel |
designed to kill or injure people, as opposed to destroying machinery or buildings. |
antiperspirant |
a preparation used to decrease perspiration, esp. in the underarms. |
antipesticide |
combined form of pesticide. |
antiphlogistic |
acting to reduce inflammation or fever. [2 definitions] |
antiphon |
a song or part of a song to be sung in response, often in a religious service. |
antiphonary |
a collection of antiphons in book form. |
antiphony |
singing or chanting done alternately or responsively by two groups. |
antipiracy |
combined form of piracy. |
antiplague |
combined form of plague. |