antiperiodic |
preventing the periodic recurrence of disease such as malaria. [2 definitions] |
antiperistalsis |
reverse movement in the intestines, alimentary canal, or similar organs, causing the contents of these organs to move backwards. |
antipersonnel |
designed to kill or injure people, as opposed to destroying machinery or buildings. |
antiperspirant |
a preparation used to decrease perspiration, esp. in the underarms. |
antipesticide |
combined form of pesticide. |
antiphlogistic |
acting to reduce inflammation or fever. [2 definitions] |
antiphon |
a song or part of a song to be sung in response, often in a religious service. |
antiphonary |
a collection of antiphons in book form. |
antiphony |
singing or chanting done alternately or responsively by two groups. |
antipiracy |
combined form of piracy. |
antiplague |
combined form of plague. |
antiplaque |
combined form of plaque. |
antipleasure |
combined form of pleasure. |
antipode |
a direct opposite. |
antipodes |
places directly opposite each other on the surface of the earth, as the North Pole and the South Pole. |
antipolice |
combined form of police. |
antipolitical |
combined form of political. |
antipolitics |
combined form of politics. |
antipollution |
designed to decrease or stop pollution of the environment. [2 definitions] |
antipope |
a person who declares himself pope in opposition to the pope elected by church laws. |
antipopular |
combined form of popular. |