antrum |
a cavity within a bone, such as the pair of sinuses in the upper jaw that open into the nose. |
antsy |
(informal) restless, esp. nervously or impatiently so; fidgety. [2 definitions] |
Anubis |
in Egyptian mythology, the god, represented with a jackal head, who leads the dead to judgment. |
anuresis |
partial or total failure of the kidneys to produce and secrete urine, or blockage which inhibits normal urine excretion. |
anuria |
the condition characterized by the inability to urinate. |
anus |
in anatomy, the opening at the lower or rear end of the intestines, through which solid waste matter is excreted. |
anvil |
a heavy, flat-topped metal block on which metal objects, often after heating, are hammered into shapes. [3 definitions] |
anxiety |
a mental state characterized by uneasiness, distress, and worry; apprehension. [2 definitions] |
anxious |
feeling uneasiness, worry, or dread. [3 definitions] |
any |
one or some of a certain thing, no matter which, how much, or how many. [7 definitions] |
anybody |
any person; anyone. |
anyhow |
in any way at all. [3 definitions] |
anymore |
any longer. [2 definitions] |
anyone |
any person; anybody. |
anyplace |
in or to any place; anywhere. |
anything |
any occurrence, thing, or topic, without restriction. [3 definitions] |
anytime |
at any moment, hour, or day; whenever. [2 definitions] |
anyway |
in any case; anyhow; regardless; nevertheless. |
anywhere |
to or in any place or direction; at any place. |
anywise |
in any way, shape, or manner. |
Anzac |
a soldier in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during World War I (acronym for "Australia and New Zealand Army Corps"). [2 definitions] |