apanage |
variant of appanage. |
apart |
separated by time or space; at or to a distance. [3 definitions] |
apartheid |
a policy of racial segregation, esp. the official segregation of blacks and whites as it existed in the Republic of South Africa from 1948 until 1994. |
apartment |
a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms. |
apartment building |
a building containing a number of individual apartments; apartment house. |
apartment house |
a building containing a number of individual apartments; apartment building. |
apathetic |
having or displaying little or no emotion, concern, or interest; indifferent. |
apathy |
absence of desire or emotion. [2 definitions] |
apatosaur |
another name for brontosaurus; apatosaurus. |
apatosaurus |
see "apatosaur." |
a general bulletin or alert sent to many law-enforcement agencies; all-points bulletin. |
a pain-relieving white substance consisting of aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine, usu. taken to reduce fevers. |
ape |
any of a group of primates, such as the gorilla, chimpanzee, gibbon, or orangutan. Apes are large mammals and do not have tails. [5 definitions] |
ape-man |
an extinct primate representing the transitional point in evolution between apes and modern man. (Cf. missing link.) |
aperçu |
(French) a quick glimpse; glance. [3 definitions] |
aperient |
mildly laxative. [2 definitions] |
aperiodic |
occurring without regular intervals or cycles; not periodic. |
apéritif |
a drink, esp. of an alcoholic beverage, taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite. |
aperture |
a narrow opening, such as a hole, crack, gap, or slit. [2 definitions] |
apetalous |
without petals. |
apex |
the uppermost point; tip; summit; vertex. [2 definitions] |