aphelion |
the point that is farthest from the sun in the orbit of a planet or comet. |
apheresis |
the dropping or omission of a letter, sound, or the like at the beginning of a word, as in "scuse" for "excuse". |
aphesis |
the loss or dropping of an unstressed vowel at the beginning of a word, such as the "a" from "adobe". |
aphid |
a small soft-bodied and slow-moving insect that feeds by sucking the juices of plants; plant louse. |
aphorism |
a terse, sometimes witty statement of a general truth or observation; adage. |
aphrodisiac |
a substance, such as a food or drug, that arouses sexual desire. [2 definitions] |
Aphrodite |
in Greek mythology, the goddess of love and beauty; Venus. [2 definitions] |
aphtha |
a small white spot or blister on the lips or in the mouth or intestines that is a symptom of certain viral or fungal infections. |
Apia |
the capital of Western Samoa. |
apiary |
a place where bees are kept in beehives, usu. for their honey. |
apical |
of, at, or forming the highest point of something. [2 definitions] |
apices |
a plural form of apex. |
apiculture |
beekeeping, esp. on a large scale. |
apiece |
for or from each one; each. |
a piece of cake |
(informal) something extremely easy to do or accomplish. |
a piece of the action |
(informal) a share of profits, or of some activity. |
à pied |
(French) on foot; by foot. |
apish |
apelike in appearance or character. [2 definitions] |
aplasia |
incomplete or faulty development of an organ or tissue. |
aplastic |
pertaining to the incomplete or faulty development of an organ or tissue. |
aplastic anemia |
a type of anemia caused by inadequate production of leukocytes, platelets, and the like by the bone marrow. |