apologize |
to express regret, as for an error or an offense. [2 definitions] |
apologue |
a short allegorical story usu. containing a moral; fable. |
apology |
an expression of regret, as for an error or offense. [2 definitions] |
apomorphine |
a white crystalline alkaloid made from morphine, used as an expectorant and emetic. |
apophthegm |
variant of apothegm. |
apoplectic |
of, relating to, or predisposed to apoplexy. [3 definitions] |
apoplexy |
the sudden loss of the ability to feel or move, caused by a rupture or obstruction of an artery in the brain; stroke. |
apoptosis |
genetically regulated cell death that occurs as a normal part of growth and development, and which also occurs when a cell becomes damaged. |
aport |
on or toward the left or port side of a vessel. |
apostasy |
abandonment of one's religion, principles, loyalties, or the like. |
apostate |
a person who abandons his or her religious faith, principles, cause, or the like. [2 definitions] |
apostatize |
to become apostate. |
a posteriori |
proceeding from effect to cause or from observed particular instances to a generalization; inductive. (Cf. a priori.) [2 definitions] |
apostle |
(sometimes cap.) one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ who were sent forth to spread his teachings. [3 definitions] |
Apostles' Creed |
a profession of faith in Christianity that is popularly attributed to Jesus Christ's apostles and often spoken as part of some worship services. |
apostolate |
the office, duties, mission, or term of activity of an apostle, or, esp., of the pope as head of the Apostolic See in the Roman Catholic Church. |
apostolic |
having to do with Jesus Christ's apostles or their teachings. [2 definitions] |
Apostolic See |
the pope's see or center of authority, believed to have been founded at Rome by Peter. |
apostolic succession |
a doctrine of certain Christian faiths that their bishops are the successors in an unbroken line to the apostles of Jesus Christ. |
apostrophe1 |
a mark (') used to show the omission of one or more letters or numbers from a word or figure, as in "wouldn't" for "would not" and "'87" for "1987". [3 definitions] |
apostrophe2 |
esp. in drama, an address to someone absent or imaginary, or to an object or idea. |