Arawak |
a member of an Indian people once widespread throughout the West Indies, now living chiefly in northern South America. [2 definitions] |
Arawakan |
a family of South American Indian languages that includes Arawak. |
arbalest |
a medieval missile-launching weapon whose design is similar to that of a crossbow. |
arbiter |
someone who has the authority to decide an issue or settle a dispute; arbitrator. |
arbitrage |
the purchase of a security or commodity in one financial market and its immediate resale in a different market, used as a way to profit from the difference in market prices. [3 definitions] |
arbitrager |
one that engages in arbitrage. |
arbitrament |
the act of arbitrating. [2 definitions] |
arbitrary |
resulting from whim or caprice instead of from a rule or reason. [3 definitions] |
arbitrate |
to decide as an arbiter. [4 definitions] |
arbitration |
the consideration and decision of an issue or dispute by an arbiter. [2 definitions] |
arbitrator |
a person chosen to mediate and resolve disputes or controversies. [2 definitions] |
arbor1 |
an arrangement of trees, vines, shrubs, or flowers, often supported by a lattice framework and forming a shady bower or shelter. |
arbor2 |
the shaft or axis which turns or supports a rotating cutting tool such as a lathe. |
arbor3 |
in botany, a tree. |
Arbor Day |
in the United States, a spring day set aside for the planting of trees in the community. |
arboreal |
of, like, formed by, or pertaining to trees. [2 definitions] |
arborescent |
treelike in shape or size. |
arboretum |
a place where trees are grown for scientific study and display. |
arborist |
a person with specialized knowledge of trees and experience in their care. |
arborvitae |
any of various evergreens having small cones and leaves of closely overlapping scales, often grown as an ornamental shrub or tree. |
arbor vitae |
the treelike structure of the white matter in the cerebellum when viewed in longitudinal cross section. |