armature |
a coil-wrapped iron core that rotates in a magnetic field to induce electrical current in a generator, or that produces motion in an electrical motor when current is passed through it. [4 definitions] |
armband |
a cloth band worn around the upper arm as a badge of rank, membership, or the like, or as a symbol, as of mourning. |
armchair |
a chair having supports at the sides for resting one's arms. [2 definitions] |
armed |
holding or bearing weapons. [4 definitions] |
armed forces |
all the military forces of a nation or group of nations. |
armed to the teeth |
carrying numerous weapons in preparation for attack or defense. |
Armenia |
a Near Eastern country between Georgia and Turkey; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. [2 definitions] |
Armenian |
of or pertaining to Armenia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
armful |
the quantity that can be carried by one arm or in the arms. |
armhole |
an opening in a garment meant for the arm to pass through, as into a sleeve. |
armillary |
of or made up of circles, rings, or hoops. |
armillary sphere |
an ancient sighting instrument formed of rings that are arranged in the positions of the tropics, equator, and the like. |
armistice |
an agreement by warring parties to suspend hostilities; truce. |
Armistice Day |
November 11, the anniversary of the armistice ending World War I, called Veterans Day in the United States. |
armlet |
a band worn as an ornament, usu. on the upper arm. [2 definitions] |
armload |
the amount (of things) that can be carried cradled in the arms, or the things themselves. |
armlock |
a wrestling hold in which one uses an arm and hand to lock an opponent's arm at the elbow. |
armoire |
a large, usu. ornate wardrobe or cabinet. |
armor |
a suit of leather or mail, formerly used to protect the body in warfare. [5 definitions] |
armorbearer |
one who carries a warrior's armor and arms. |
armored |
wearing or being covered by armor or armor plate. [2 definitions] |