asceticism |
the practices, doctrines, or way of living of an ascetic. [2 definitions] |
ascidian |
any of various marine animals, such as the sea squirts, that have a saclike body enclosed by a thick tuniclike membrane. |
ascidium |
a saclike or pitcherlike part of a plant, such as the leaf of the bladderwort or pitcher plant. |
abbreviation of "American Standard Code for Information Interchange," originally, a standard code using numbers to represent characters used in writing English, allowing textual data to be transferred between computers. ASCII has been expanded to allow character sets from other languages to be similarly encoded. |
ascomycete |
a fungus of a type that reproduces through spores developed in a sac, such as the yeasts, mildews, and truffles. |
ascorbic acid |
an organic acid found in many foods, esp. citrus fruits, and required in human nutrition for the production of collagen; vitamin C. |
ascot |
a wide scarf or necktie, tied so that one end lies flat on top of the other on the chest. |
ascribe |
to attribute (something) to a particular cause or source. [2 definitions] |
ascription |
the act of attributing or assigning. [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "American Stock Exchange." |
asepsis |
the condition of being free of microorganisms that cause disease or decay. [2 definitions] |
aseptic |
free of bacteria or germs that cause disease or decay. [3 definitions] |
asexual |
having no sex or sex organs; sexless. [2 definitions] |
as far as |
to the extent that. |
as good as |
essentially equal to; practically the same as. |
ash1 |
the soft residue that remains after combustion. [3 definitions] |
ash2 |
any of a group of trees that are related to the olive and have winged seeds and compound leaves. [2 definitions] |
ashamed |
having feelings of shame, guilt, or embarrassment. [3 definitions] |
ashcan |
a container, usu. of plastic or metal, that holds ashes or refuse. |
ashen1 |
consisting of, reduced to, or resembling ashes. [2 definitions] |
ashen2 |
of or pertaining to the ash tree. [2 definitions] |