ask out |
to invite (someone) to go out on a date. |
aslant |
in a slanting direction; obliquely; slantingly. [2 definitions] |
asleep |
sleeping. [7 definitions] |
as long as |
on the condition that; provided that. [3 definitions] |
aslope |
at a slant; sloping. |
Asmara |
the capital of Eritrea. |
asocial |
not seeking the company of others; not gregarious, sometimes because lacking social skills. [2 definitions] |
as of |
beginning on; from. |
asp |
any of several small, venomous snakes found in Africa and Asia Minor, such as the cobra or horned viper. |
asparagine |
a nonessential amino acid found in proteins that is derived from aspartate. |
asparagus |
a tall branching plant related to the lily, whose young shoots are cultivated and eaten as a vegetable. |
asparkle |
glittering; sparkling. |
aspartame |
an artificial sweetener about two hundred times sweeter than sucrose, synthesized from amino acids and used as a low-calorie sugar substitute in manufactured soft drinks, cereals, cookies, and the like. |
aspartate |
the ionic form of aspartic acid, which is a nonessential amino acid found in proteins. |
aspartic acid |
a nonessential amino acid found in proteins. |
abbreviation of "American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." |
aspect |
an element or part. [5 definitions] |
aspen |
any of several poplar trees whose leaves flutter in the slightest breeze. |
Asperger's syndrome |
a mild autism spectrum disorder in which afflicted individuals are generally of normal intelligence but have poor social and nonverbal communication skills. |
Aspergillus |
a genus of fungus that is classified as a mold. |
asperity |
harshness or roughness, esp. of tone or manner. |