assault |
a violent physical or verbal attack. [5 definitions] |
assault and battery |
in law, the act of, and charge against, an offender who threatens and carries out the threat to attack or do other physical violence to another. |
assay |
to try out or test. [8 definitions] |
assemblage |
a collection or gathering of people or things; assembly. [4 definitions] |
assemble |
to gather (things or persons) into a group. [3 definitions] |
assembly |
a group of people gathered together, usu. for a specific purpose. [4 definitions] |
assembly line |
a set-up in a factory whereby a product being put together passes, in moving along a track, conveyor belt, or the like, a succession of stations with workers, each of whom adds, adjusts, or secures apart to the whole. |
assemblyman |
a male member of a legislative assembly. |
assemblywoman |
a female member of a legislative assembly. |
assent |
to consent, agree, or give approval (usu. fol. by "to"). [3 definitions] |
assert |
to state with force or confidence. [3 definitions] |
assertion |
a declaration or statement, often without support or proof. [2 definitions] |
assertive |
forward or aggressive in speech or action. |
assess |
to examine and try to discover the extent, quality, or nature of; evaluate; measure. [3 definitions] |
assessable |
combined form of assess. |
assessment |
the amount of a tax, fine, or the like that is assessed. [3 definitions] |
assessor |
one who assesses for tax purposes. [2 definitions] |
asset |
a useful or desirable quality or thing. [3 definitions] |
asseverate |
to declare with solemnity and earnestness; affirm. |
asshole |
(vulgar) the anus. [4 definitions] |
assiduous |
persistent and unremitting; constant. [2 definitions] |