asthenia |
loss or lack of physical strength; weakness; debility. |
asthma |
a chronic respiratory disorder characterized by labored breathing, wheezing, and a feeling of tightness in the chest, often caused by an allergy. |
asthmatic |
suffering from asthma. [3 definitions] |
as though |
as if. |
astigmatic |
pertaining to or having astigmatism. [3 definitions] |
astigmatism |
an irregularity in the curvature of a lens, including that of the eye, that prevents rays of light from meeting in a single focal point, resulting in an indistinct or distorted image. [2 definitions] |
astilbe |
any plant of the genus Astilbe, having small red, white, or pink flowers. |
astir |
in action; moving. [2 definitions] |
as to |
with regard to; concerning. [2 definitions] |
astonish |
to fill, suddenly, with great surprise or amazement. |
astonishing |
extremely surprising or amazing. |
astonishment |
great surprise or amazement. |
astound |
to overcome with surprise, awe, or wonder; amaze. |
astounding |
causing tremendous surprise or wonder; extremely amazing. |
astraddle |
having one leg on each side; astride. |
astrakhan |
a lustrous curly or wavy fur made from the pelts of young lambs. [2 definitions] |
astral |
of, concerning, emanating from, or resembling the stars; stellar. [2 definitions] |
astray |
off the right or known path or course. [2 definitions] |
astride |
over or upon and with a leg on each side of; straddling. [4 definitions] |
astringent |
having the effect of drawing together, esp. of contracting body tissues so as to stop secretions or bleeding; styptic. [4 definitions] |
astro- |
star. |