Augustan |
of or relating to Augustus Caesar, to the period in which he reigned, or to the Latin literature of that period. [3 definitions] |
au jus |
of meat, served in its own juices. |
auk |
any of a group of web-footed, short-winged sea birds that live in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are skilled at swimming and diving. |
auklet |
any of several small auks of the northern Pacific coasts. |
au lait |
made or served with milk. |
auld lang syne |
(Scottish) times long past, esp. when remembered with nostalgia. [2 definitions] |
au naturel |
in a natural or unadulterated state. [3 definitions] |
aunt |
the sister of one's mother or father. [2 definitions] |
auntie |
(informal) aunt. |
au pair |
(French) of or pertaining to an arrangement in which one service or benefit is exchanged for another. [2 definitions] |
aura |
the subtle emanation of a quality or condition of someone or something. [2 definitions] |
aural1 |
of or relating to an aura. |
aural2 |
of or relating to the ear or hearing. |
aurar |
pl. of eyrir. |
aureate |
golden in color; gilded. [2 definitions] |
aureole |
an encircling region of light, esp. in artistic representations of a god or holy figure, or around an astronomical object such as the moon; halo; corona. |
aureus |
an ancient Roman gold coin that was a monetary unit from the reign of Julius Caesar to that of Constantine I. |
au revoir |
(French) until we see each other again; good-bye for now. |
auricle |
the visible, projecting portion of the ear. [3 definitions] |
auricular |
of or relating to the ear or hearing. [3 definitions] |
auriferous |
having gold as a component; gold-bearing. |