autosome |
any of an organism's chromosomes except the two involved in sex determination. |
autosuggestion |
in psychology, a technique of changing one's own behavior or beliefs by repeating certain phrases or ideas to oneself. |
autotoxemia |
see "autointoxication." |
autumn |
the season of the year between summer and winter, in the northern hemisphere continuing from the September equinox to the December solstice; fall. |
autumnal |
pertaining to or characteristic of autumn. [2 definitions] |
aux. |
abbreviation of "auxiliary," a person or thing that helps, assists, or supports, or a person or group that is subordinate or supplementary. |
auxiliary |
serving to help, assist, or support. [7 definitions] |
auxiliary verb |
a verb used in conjunction with a main verb in a clause that assists the main verb in reflecting aspects, voices, moods, and tenses. In the sentence "They have escaped," the main verb is "escaped," and the auxiliary verb is "have." |
auxin |
any of a group of organic compounds, often plant hormones, that affect plant growth. |
AV |
abbreviation of "audio-visual," having both sound and a picture, as does film. |
Av |
the eleventh month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from late July through early August in the Gregorian calendar. |
avail |
to be useful or profitable to; be of value to. [3 definitions] |
availability |
the condition of being available. |
available |
able to be had for use or purchase; at hand. [2 definitions] |
avail oneself of |
to make use of to one's advantage. |
avalanche |
the sudden rush of a large quantity of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain. [4 definitions] |
avant-garde |
a group that actively experiments with and applies new and unconventional techniques, esp. in the arts; vanguard. [3 definitions] |
avarice |
the excessive desire to accumulate riches; greed; cupidity. |
avaricious |
marked by avarice; greedy, esp. for wealth; grasping. |
avascular |
lacking blood vessels. |
avast |
used in nautical terminology as a command to stop. |