average out |
to amount to an average according to arithmetic calculation (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions] |
averse |
strongly opposed or disinclined; unwilling (usu. fol. by "to"). |
aversion |
great dislike or disgust; repugnance (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions] |
avert |
to turn aside or away. [2 definitions] |
Avesta |
the sacred writings of Zoroastrianism. |
avg. |
abbreviation of "average," the arithmetic mean gained by adding two or more quantities and then dividing by the total number of quantities. |
avian |
of or concerning birds. |
aviary |
a large structure designed to house birds; birdhouse. |
aviation |
the act, practice, or technology of human flight, esp. in airplanes. |
aviator |
someone who flies an aircraft; pilot. |
aviatrix |
a woman who flies an aircraft; pilot. |
avid |
characterized by great enthusiasm or zeal. [2 definitions] |
avionics |
(used with a sing. verb) the study or science of the application of electricity to flying; aviation electronics. |
avirulent |
not infectious or virulent, or no longer so. |
avitaminosis |
a disease caused by vitamin deficiency. |
avo |
the smaller monetary unit of Macao. (Cf. pataca.) |
avocado |
a pear-shaped edible tropical American fruit with a green or black skin, usu. eaten raw in salads or the like. [2 definitions] |
avocation |
a secondary occupation, usu. one pursued for recreation; hobby. |
avocet |
any of several shore birds with long legs, webbed feet, and a long, narrow, upturned beak. |
avoid |
to keep away from or keep from happening, esp. by active effort. [2 definitions] |
avoidable |
able to be avoided; able to be prevented or dodged. |