avitaminosis |
a disease caused by vitamin deficiency. |
avo |
the smaller monetary unit of Macao. (Cf. pataca.) |
avocado |
a pear-shaped edible tropical American fruit with a green or black skin, usu. eaten raw in salads or the like. [2 definitions] |
avocation |
a secondary occupation, usu. one pursued for recreation; hobby. |
avocet |
any of several shore birds with long legs, webbed feet, and a long, narrow, upturned beak. |
avoid |
to keep away from or keep from happening, esp. by active effort. [2 definitions] |
avoidable |
able to be avoided; able to be prevented or dodged. |
avoidance |
the act of avoiding. |
avoirdupois |
see "avoirdupois weight." [2 definitions] |
avoirdupois weight |
a system of weight based on a pound equal to sixteen ounces or to 453.59 grams. |
avouch |
to affirm or state strongly; acknowledge. [3 definitions] |
avow |
to assert or affirm. [2 definitions] |
avowal |
an open declaration, acknowledgment, or admission. |
avowed |
openly stated or freely declared or acknowledged. |
avulsion |
the act of pulling or tearing away due to force. |
avuncular |
of, concerning, or like an uncle; kind; benevolent. |
aw |
(informal) used to express protest, displeasure, disbelief, sympathy, or the like. |
an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System"). |
await |
to wait for; look forward to. [3 definitions] |
awake |
to wake (someone or something) from sleep; awaken. [6 definitions] |
awaken |
to wake from sleep. [2 definitions] |