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axon the part of a nerve cell that conducts impulses away from the cell body.
ayah in India, a native nursemaid or maidservant, esp. for children or women.
ayatollah in the Shiite religion, a title awarded to a leader advanced in the study of Islamic law.
aye yes (usu. used for an oral vote). [2 definitions]
aye-aye a nocturnal lemur found in Madagascar that has shaggy dark brown fur, a long bushy tail, large ears, long clawlike fingers, and strong rodentlike teeth.
ayin the name of the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
AZ abbreviation of "Arizona," a southwestern U.S. state between California and New Mexico.
azalea any of several shrubs related to the rhododendron, often cultivated for its brightly colored flowers.
azathioprine an immunosuppressive that is administered in transplant surgery to prevent rejection of the new organ.
Azerbaijan a Near Eastern country on the Caspian Sea between Iran and Russia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
Azerbaijani of or pertaining to Azerbaijan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Azeri see "Azerbaijani."
azimuth an arc measured horizontally and clockwise from a point north, in navigation, or a point south, in astronomy, to another point where a vertical circle intersects the horizon. [2 definitions]
azithromycin an antibiotic derived from erythromycin that is used to treat bacterial infections.
azo- containing nitrogen.
azobenzene an orange-red, nonsoluble crystalline compound obtained from nitrobenzene, used in organic synthesis, as an insecticide, and in the making of dyes.
azoic see "Archean."
Aztec a member of an Indian people who had an advanced civilization in central Mexico before the Spaniards conquered them in 1519. [4 definitions]
azure the color of a clear blue sky; sky blue. [2 definitions]
azurite a bright azure-blue mineral that serves as a copper ore. [2 definitions]
azygous in biology, not being part of a pair; occurring singly.