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baleful threatening harm; full of malice; ominous.
balk to stop suddenly and refuse to proceed. [7 definitions]
Balkan of or pertaining to the Balkan States or their peoples. [3 definitions]
Balkanize (often l.c.) to divide up into mutually antagonistic political units too small to maintain their independence or autonomy effectively.
Balkan Peninsula a European peninsula between the Adriatic Sea on the west and the Black and Aegean Seas on the east.
Balkan States the countries on the Balkan Peninsula, including Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and European Turkey; the Balkans.
balkline a line parallel and close to one end of a billiard table, from behind which the opening shot is made.
balky inclined to stop short and then refuse to proceed; stubborn; obstinate.
ball1 a spherical or nearly spherical body . [7 definitions]
ball2 a large social function at which there is formal dancing. [2 definitions]
ballad a narrative poem or song. [2 definitions]
ballade a poem of three eight-line or ten-line stanzas followed by an envoy of four or five lines, the stanzas and the envoy all having the same last line. [2 definitions]
balladeer one who sings ballads.
balladry ballads in general, or collectively. [2 definitions]
ballad stanza a four-line stanza often used in ballads, the second and fourth lines of which rhyme.
ball and chain a heavy ball attached by a chain to a prisoner's ankle to prevent escape.
ball-and-socket joint a skeletal joint in which the ball-shaped end of a bone, often part of a limb, fits into and rotates quite freely within the hollow, spherical socket of another bone. [2 definitions]
ballast heavy material placed in the hold of a boat or ship to make it more stable. [4 definitions]
ball bearing a bearing composed of a track containing freely rolling metal balls, against which or within which a shaft or other part can rotate without friction. [2 definitions]
ball boy a boy or young man who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in football and basketball.
ball cock a device used to regulate the supply of water in a tank or toilet, consisting of a lever connected to a floating ball that shuts a valve when raised and opens it when lowered.