ballsy |
(vulgar slang) courageous, tough, or aggressive. |
ballyhoo |
exaggerated, noisy, insistent advertising or publicity. [2 definitions] |
balm |
a soothing, healing ointment, often fragrant. [4 definitions] |
balm of Gilead |
any of several small evergreen trees native to western Asia and Africa. [2 definitions] |
balmy |
soft, mild, and soothing. [3 definitions] |
baloney |
(informal) bologna. [3 definitions] |
balsa |
a tree of tropical America, the wood of which is extremely light in weight. [2 definitions] |
balsam |
a fragrant oily or resinous substance exuded by some shrubs or trees, such as the balsam fir. [3 definitions] |
balsam fir |
an evergreen tree of the pine family, native to Canada and the northeastern United States, which is cut for pulpwood and Christmas trees and from which Canada balsam is derived. |
Baltic |
of, near, or pertaining to the Baltic Sea. [2 definitions] |
Baltic Sea |
a sea between Sweden on the west and Poland and the Baltic States on the east. |
Baltic States |
the independent countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, formerly parts of the Soviet Union. |
Baltimore oriole |
an orange and black North American songbird that builds finely woven, pendant nests. |
baluster |
any of a set of closely spaced posts that support a rail, as of a staircase or balcony. |
balustrade |
a rail and the set of balusters, or posts, that support it. |
Bamako |
the capital of Mali. |
bambino |
an infant or baby. [2 definitions] |
bamboo |
any of several tropical grasses that have hard, woody, hollow stems and grow to the height of a tree. [2 definitions] |
bamboo curtain |
(sometimes cap.) a barrier to trade and diplomacy, based on ideological and political differences, that formerly existed between the People's Republic of China and the West, attributed by the latter to the secrecy and censorship practiced by the Chinese. (Cf. iron curtain.) |
bamboozle |
(informal) to trick by deceptive claims, flattery, or the like; deceive. [2 definitions] |
ban1 |
to forbid, usu. officially; prohibit. [3 definitions] |