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barbarian a person in a culture believed by those in another culture to be savage, primitive, or uncivilized. [4 definitions]
barbaric of or resembling barbarians; savage; primitive; brutal. [2 definitions]
barbarism a crude or brutal act, custom, or characteristic. [3 definitions]
barbarity cruel or vicious behavior. [3 definitions]
barbarize to corrupt, coarsen, or degrade in quality. [4 definitions]
barbarous brutal; cruel. [3 definitions]
Barbary ape a tailless monkey native to North Africa and Gibraltar.
Barbary Coast the North African Mediterranean coast from Egypt to the Atlantic, formerly known as a base for pirates.
barbate bearded, or having tufts resembling a beard, as oats or barley.
barbecue a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire. [4 definitions]
barbed having one or more barbs. [2 definitions]
barbed wire a wire or strands of wire with barbs at regular intervals, used as a military barrier or fencing for livestock; barbwire.
barbel a slender, whiskerlike sensory organ on the heads of certain fishes, such as catfish. [2 definitions]
barbell a usu. metal bar with removable weights at each end, used in weightlifting and exercising.
barber a person whose business is to shave, cut, or style hair and beards. [2 definitions]
barber pole a pole or cylinder with red and white spiral stripes, by which barbers indicate the location of their shops.
barberry any of various shrubs, often spiny, that have leathery leaves and bear clustered yellow flowers and small ovoid red-orange berries.
barbershop the workplace of a barber. [2 definitions]
barbican a defensive tower at the entrance to a town or fortified castle.
barbicel on feathers, a minute hairlike projection from one barbule, which attaches to others of its kind, maintaining the integrity of the feather as a single surface.
barbital a derivative of barbituric acid, used as a sedative.