Barbary ape |
a tailless monkey native to North Africa and Gibraltar. |
Barbary Coast |
the North African Mediterranean coast from Egypt to the Atlantic, formerly known as a base for pirates. |
barbate |
bearded, or having tufts resembling a beard, as oats or barley. |
barbecue |
a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire. [4 definitions] |
barbed |
having one or more barbs. [2 definitions] |
barbed wire |
a wire or strands of wire with barbs at regular intervals, used as a military barrier or fencing for livestock; barbwire. |
barbel |
a slender, whiskerlike sensory organ on the heads of certain fishes, such as catfish. [2 definitions] |
barbell |
a usu. metal bar with removable weights at each end, used in weightlifting and exercising. |
barber |
a person whose business is to shave, cut, or style hair and beards. [2 definitions] |
barber pole |
a pole or cylinder with red and white spiral stripes, by which barbers indicate the location of their shops. |
barberry |
any of various shrubs, often spiny, that have leathery leaves and bear clustered yellow flowers and small ovoid red-orange berries. |
barbershop |
the workplace of a barber. [2 definitions] |
barbican |
a defensive tower at the entrance to a town or fortified castle. |
barbicel |
on feathers, a minute hairlike projection from one barbule, which attaches to others of its kind, maintaining the integrity of the feather as a single surface. |
barbital |
a derivative of barbituric acid, used as a sedative. |
barbiturate |
any of a group of salts or esters of barbituric acid, used as sedatives. |
barbituric acid |
a white crystalline organic acid, used in polymerization and in the manufacture of sedatives and dyes. |
barbless |
combined form of barb. |
Bar-B-Que |
variant of barbecue. |
barbule |
a small projection from the barb of a feather. |
barbwire |
see "barbed wire." |