barber pole |
a pole or cylinder with red and white spiral stripes, by which barbers indicate the location of their shops. |
barberry |
any of various shrubs, often spiny, that have leathery leaves and bear clustered yellow flowers and small ovoid red-orange berries. |
barbershop |
the workplace of a barber. [2 definitions] |
barbican |
a defensive tower at the entrance to a town or fortified castle. |
barbicel |
on feathers, a minute hairlike projection from one barbule, which attaches to others of its kind, maintaining the integrity of the feather as a single surface. |
barbital |
a derivative of barbituric acid, used as a sedative. |
barbiturate |
any of a group of salts or esters of barbituric acid, used as sedatives. |
barbituric acid |
a white crystalline organic acid, used in polymerization and in the manufacture of sedatives and dyes. |
barbless |
combined form of barb. |
Bar-B-Que |
variant of barbecue. |
barbule |
a small projection from the barb of a feather. |
barbwire |
see "barbed wire." |
barcarole |
a piece of music composed in the style of Venetian gondoliers' songs, with a rhythm suggesting rowing. |
bar code |
a set of vertical bars of varying widths containing coded information that can be read by an optical scanner, usu. printed on the labels of consumer goods, on mail, and the like. (Cf. Universal Product Code.) |
bard |
in ancient Celtic times, a person who composed and recited or sang epic poetry. [2 definitions] |
bare |
lacking clothing or covering; naked. [6 definitions] |
bareback |
on the back of a horse, donkey, or the like, without a saddle. |
barefaced |
with no covering over the face. [3 definitions] |
barefoot |
with nothing on the feet. [2 definitions] |
barehanded |
without any sort of aid in hand, such as a weapon or tool. [2 definitions] |
bareheaded |
without a covering for the head; hatless. |