basis |
the foundation or support on which other parts depend; base. [3 definitions] |
basis point |
a unit equal to one hundredth of one percent, used in economics and finance to measure exchange rates, interest rates, and the like. |
bask |
to lie in or expose oneself to soothing warmth or atmosphere. [3 definitions] |
basket |
a container made of any of various materials such as wood strips, grass, fiber, or the like, usu. woven or laced together. [3 definitions] |
basketball |
a game played by two teams of five players each, with points scored by shooting the ball through a raised metal hoop and net at the opponent's end of the court. [2 definitions] |
basketry |
the craft or process of weaving or braiding to make baskets or the like. [2 definitions] |
basket weave |
a weave in fabrics that gives an appearance similar to that of a woven basket. |
basketwork |
objects or materials having the weave of, or made like, a basket. |
basking shark |
any of several large plankton-eating sharks, often found floating near the ocean's surface. |
basophil |
a tissue, substance, or cell, esp. a white blood cell, that readily takes on basic dyes. |
Basque |
a member of a people who live in the western Pyrenees of Spain and France, or a descendant thereof. [3 definitions] |
basque |
a tightfitting bodice of a woman's dress or other garment. |
bas-relief |
sculpture in which the carved parts are raised only slightly from a flat background. |
bass1 |
the part of music designated for the voice or instrument in the lowest range of pitch, or musical tones produced in the low range. [5 definitions] |
bass2 |
any of several freshwater or saltwater food fishes with spiny fins. |
bass3 |
a deciduous tree of softwood, which is grown for ornamental purposes or as a shade tree; basswood; linden. |
bass clef |
a sign on the fourth line of a musical staff, locating F below middle C; F clef. |
bass drum |
a large double-headed cylindrical drum that produces a low, reverberating sound. |
basset1 |
a kind of hound sometimes used in hunting that has long drooping ears, a long body, and short legs. |
basset2 |
an emerging part or an outcrop, as of the edges of layered rock. [2 definitions] |
bass horn |
an obsolete brass wind instrument resembling the tuba. [2 definitions] |