baste3 |
to beat or thrash with a stick; cudgel. [2 definitions] |
bastille |
(cap.) the state prison in Paris that was attacked and taken by French revolutionists in 1789. [2 definitions] |
bastinado |
a blow or beating with a stick or club. [4 definitions] |
basting |
sewing done by stitching loosely to temporarily hold material in place. [2 definitions] |
bastion |
a pentagon-shaped portion of a rampart or fortification that projects outward. [3 definitions] |
bat1 |
a heavy, shaped wooden or metal club used to strike the ball in baseball or cricket. [4 definitions] |
bat2 |
any of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision. |
bat3 |
to wink (one's eyelids). |
bat around |
to discuss (an idea or ideas) as possiblities. [2 definitions] |
batboy |
a boy who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant. |
batch |
an amount or quantity used or produced in one operation. [2 definitions] |
bate |
to moderate or control; restrain. [3 definitions] |
bateau |
a flat-bottomed rowboat, sharply tapered at both ends, used in Canada and the United States. |
batfish |
any of the family of marine angler fishes, often found in the Atlantic along the southern U.S. coast. [2 definitions] |
batgirl |
a girl who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant. |
bath |
a process of washing or soaking something in order to cleanse, refresh, or heal. [5 definitions] |
bathe |
to give a bath to; wash. [6 definitions] |
bathhouse |
a structure near a body of water, with dressing rooms for swimmers. [2 definitions] |
Bathinette |
trademark for a folding portable bathtub for babies. |
bathing cap |
a close-fitting cap of rubber, elastic, or the like, worn to keep the hair dry during swimming. |
bathing suit |
a garment worn for swimming; swimsuit. |