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BB gun an air gun that shoots BB shot.
bbl. abbreviation of "barrel," or "barrels," a unit of capacity, varying from thirty-one to forty-two gallons in the United States.
BBQ abbreviation of "barbeque," a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire.
B.C.1 abbreviation of "before Christ" (used in designating dates in history before the year 1, now often replaced by "BCE," "before the Common Era").
B.C.2 abbreviation of "British Columbia," a Canadian province on the Pacific coast.
B.C.E. abbreviation of "before the Common Era" (used in designating dates in history before the year 1).
B cell a type of white blood cell, produced in the bone marrow, that makes antibodies that fight off disease.
bd. ft. abbreviation of "board foot," or "board feet," a unit of measure for lumber, equal to one foot square and one inch thick.
Be symbol of the chemical element beryllium.
be to remain in a state of existence; have reality; exist. [10 definitions]
be- to cause to be; treat as; make (used to change nouns, adjectives, and intransitive verbs into transitive verbs). [3 definitions]
beach the land at the edge of a body of water, usu. sandy and sometimes part of a swimming area; shore. [2 definitions]
beach ball a large inflatable ball of brightly colored plastic, usu. used for games played in or near the water.
beachcomber a person who lives by finding and selling miscellaneous items that wash ashore or are discarded there. [2 definitions]
beachfront a strip of land bordering on a beach. [2 definitions]
beach grass any of several tough, deeply rooted perennial grasses that grow wild on beaches and are sometimes planted there to combat erosion.
beachhead the initial position or area that invading troops try to secure when landing on an enemy shore. [2 definitions]
beacon a signal of light that guides or gives warning, often located in an elevated position. [7 definitions]
bead a small, generally round object, usu. made of glass, wood, or the like with a hole through its center for stringing to make necklaces or for decorating clothing. [8 definitions]
beading the decorative use of beads, as on dresses or purses; beadwork. [4 definitions]
beadle an official of an English church who ushers and maintains order during church services.