bedpost |
one of the vertical supports at the corners of a bed. |
bedraggled |
dirty, wet, or limp from having wandered or been dragged through mud and water. [2 definitions] |
bed rest |
resting in bed. |
bedridden |
confined to bed by weakness or illness, esp. for a long time. |
bedrock |
the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, usu. beneath soil, sand, gravel, or the like. [3 definitions] |
bedroll |
bedding rolled into a portable bundle, as for camping outdoors. |
bedroom |
a room used for sleeping. |
bedsheet |
a sheet to be used on a bed. |
bedside |
the space alongside a bed, esp. of a sick person. [2 definitions] |
bedsit |
(chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking. |
bedsitter |
(chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking. |
bed-sitting room |
(chiefly British) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking. |
bedsore |
a skin sore caused by the prolonged pressure of bedding, as in a long illness. |
bedspread |
a covering for a bed that is generally used over blankets or other bed covering. |
bedspring |
any of a number of springs closely confined in a frame and set in a bedstead to support a mattress. |
bedstead |
the framework that supports the springs and mattress of a bed. |
bedstraw |
a small herb with paired leaves and small flowers once used as stuffing for mattresses. |
bedtime |
the usual time when one goes to bed or is supposed to go to bed. |
bed-wetting |
urinating in bed, esp. at night; enuresis. |
bee |
any of the flying, hairy-bodied, and often stinging insects that live either in social networks or alone, many of which suck nectar from flowers. |
beebread |
a mixture of nectar and pollen made by bees to feed to their larvae. |