beetle-browed |
having eyebrows that are bushy or joined together. [2 definitions] |
beet sugar |
sugar extracted from the roots of sugar beets. |
beeves |
a plural form of beef. |
befall |
to take place; happen. [2 definitions] |
befit |
to be suitable to. |
befitting |
suitable or appropriate, often with respect to a particular situation or sphere of conduct. |
befog |
to cover with mist or fog; obscure. [2 definitions] |
before |
at an earlier time; in the past. [8 definitions] |
beforehand |
in advance; at a previous time; earlier. |
befoul |
to make foul; defile. [2 definitions] |
befriend |
to be or act as a friend to. |
befuddle |
to stupefy with or as though with liquor. [2 definitions] |
beg |
to ask for (food, money, or other necessities) as charity or as a gift. [4 definitions] |
began |
past tense of begin. |
beget |
to generate (offspring); cause to begin life, esp. to father. [2 definitions] |
beggar |
one who begs, esp. as a means of survival. [4 definitions] |
beggarly |
extremely poor or unkempt; like a beggar. [2 definitions] |
beggary |
the state of being a beggar; extreme poverty. [3 definitions] |
begin |
to perform the first step in a process; start. [6 definitions] |
beginner |
someone just beginning to acquire new knowledge or learn a new skill. |
beginning |
(sometimes pl.) the first part or origin of a thing or process; start. [2 definitions] |