behind bars |
in jail or prison. |
behindhand |
slow or tardy. [3 definitions] |
behind one's back |
when one is not present; secretly. |
behind the scenes |
not in view or on display; in private; in secret. |
behold |
to see or observe. [2 definitions] |
beholden |
indebted for favors or material aid; obligated. |
beholder |
one who looks or sees. |
behoof |
advantage, benefit, or use. |
behoove |
to be necessary or suitable for; befit. [2 definitions] |
behove |
British spelling of "behoove." |
beige |
a soft grayish tan color. |
beignet |
a square-shaped piece of fried dough topped with powdered sugar, sometimes filled with chocolate, cheese, fruit, or the like. [2 definitions] |
Beijing |
the capital of China; Peking. |
being |
the state or fact of living or existing. [3 definitions] |
Beirut |
the seaport capital of Lebanon. |
bejewel |
to ornament or cover with or as if with jewels. |
belabor |
to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of. [2 definitions] |
Belarus |
a European country bordered by Poland, Lithuania, Russia, and Ukraine; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union; Belorussia; Byelorussia. |
belated |
too late; tardy. |
belay |
in nautical terminology, to secure (a rope) by winding around a pin or cleat. [6 definitions] |
belaying pin |
a short round metal or wooden bar that fits into the rail of a ship, and around which ropes are secured. |