bell buoy |
a buoy having a warning bell that rings whenever the buoy is rocked by waves. |
bell curve |
see "bell-shaped curve." |
belle |
a popular and admired woman, usu. young and often considered the most outstanding beauty at a social event or in a social circle. |
Belleek |
a thin, glossy Irish pottery that resembles porcelain. |
belles-lettres |
(used with a sing. verb) elegant or polished writing; literature regarded as having an aesthetic function, as distinguished from informative or persuasive writing. |
bellflower |
one of a group of plants that bear bell-shaped pendant flowers; campanula; harebell. |
bellhop |
a man or boy who does errands at a hotel; bellboy. |
bellicose |
easily incited to quarrel or fight; belligerent. [2 definitions] |
bellied |
having a belly of a particular kind (used in combination). |
belligerence |
a very aggressive or hostile attitude; warlike nature. [2 definitions] |
belligerency |
the position or status of a belligerent nation; condition of being at war. [2 definitions] |
belligerent |
having or showing an eagerness to fight; aggressive; warlike. [4 definitions] |
bell jar |
a bell-shaped glass cover for a platform, used for displaying and protecting delicate objects. [2 definitions] |
bellman |
one who carries or rings a bell, such as a town crier. [2 definitions] |
bellow |
to make the deep, loud cry of a bull. [5 definitions] |
bellows |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a device with a flexible, valved air chamber that can be expanded to draw in air and compressed to expel it through a nozzle, used to blow air on a fire or to sound a musical instrument. [3 definitions] |
bell pepper |
a pepper plant that bears a mild-flavored edible fruit. [2 definitions] |
bell-shaped curve |
a graphic representation of a statistically normal frequency distribution, which resembles the outline of a bell; bell curve. |
bell tower |
a tower housing one or more bells. |
bellwether |
a male sheep, with a bell hung about its neck, that leads the flock. [2 definitions] |
belly |
the front or underpart of mammals that contains the stomach and intestines. [5 definitions] |