benediction |
a blessing, esp. the one pronounced over the congregation by the clergyman at the end of a religious service. [2 definitions] |
benefaction |
performance of a good deed or good deeds that benefit a person or institution, often a charitable organization. [2 definitions] |
benefactor |
one who benefits or helps an individual or an institution, usu. by giving money. |
benefice |
a church office or the fixed property or income associated with it. [3 definitions] |
beneficence |
the quality of doing good. [2 definitions] |
beneficent |
tending to do good; kindly; charitable. [3 definitions] |
beneficial |
producing benefits; favorable or advantageous. [2 definitions] |
beneficiary |
one who receives or is designated to receive benefits, as of a will or insurance policy. [2 definitions] |
benefit |
anything that provides an advantage or produces a positive result. [5 definitions] |
benefit of clergy |
a rite performed by a member of the clergy signifying the blessing of the church, such as a liturgical wedding or a prayer over a dying person. [2 definitions] |
benefit of the doubt |
acceptance of a statement or belief as true in the absence of contrary proof. |
benefits |
money from a government program. [2 definitions] |
benevolence |
the inclination to act to the benefit of others; good will. [2 definitions] |
benevolent |
desiring to do good for others; generous. [3 definitions] |
Bengal |
a region consisting of the northeastern state of West Bengal in India and the neighboring country of Bangladesh. Bengal was formerly a province of India before India's division into India and Pakistan. |
Bengali |
a native or inhabitant of Bengal. [3 definitions] |
bengaline |
a heavy, corded fabric with crosswise ribs of coarse silk, wool, or synthetics, woven with wool or cotton. |
Benghazi |
the seaport capital of Libya. |
benighted |
in intellectual or moral darkness; ignorant; unenlightened. [2 definitions] |
benign |
possessing or displaying kindness or gentleness. [4 definitions] |
benignant |
kind and gracious, as to one's inferiors. [3 definitions] |