beryllium |
a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has four protons in each nucleus and occurs in pure form as a hard, light, gray solid, chiefly used in alloys with copper and in aerospace material. (symbol: Be) |
bescreen |
(archaic) to conceal as if by covering with a screen; hide from sight. |
beseech |
to request urgently; implore. [3 definitions] |
beset |
to set upon or assail from all sides; besiege. [2 definitions] |
besetting |
constantly tormenting, troubling, or preoccupying, as a need, temptation, or sin. |
beside |
next to; at the side of. [3 definitions] |
beside oneself |
in a state of extreme agitation or excitement. |
besides |
moreover. [4 definitions] |
beside the point |
not relevant to the main focus of interest or discussion. |
besiege |
to surround with enemy forces; lay siege to. [2 definitions] |
besmear |
to stain or soil by, or as if by, smearing. |
besmirch |
to tarnish or soil. [2 definitions] |
besom |
a broom, esp. one formed by a bundle of twigs or brush attached to a handle. |
be sorry |
to suffer the consequences; come to regret one's earlier action or decision. |
besot |
to confuse or make foolish with, or as if with, strong drink (often used reflexively). |
besought |
a past tense and past participle of beseech. |
bespangle |
to cover or decorate with, or as with, spangles. |
bespatter |
to splash and soil with drops or bits of matter; spatter. [2 definitions] |
bespeak |
to arrange for or reserve in advance. [2 definitions] |
bespectacled |
wearing eyeglasses. |
be spoiling for |
(informal) to be eager for. |