bibliopole |
a bookseller, esp. of rare books. |
bibulous |
addicted to alcohol; alcoholic. [2 definitions] |
bicameral |
having two legislative chambers or branches. |
bicarbonate |
a chemical that is a variety of carbonate, used esp. in baking or as an antacid. (See sodium bicarbonate.) |
bicarbonate of soda |
see "sodium bicarbonate" and "baking soda." |
bicentenary |
occurring every two hundred years; bicentennial. [2 definitions] |
bicentennial |
occurring once every two hundred years. [4 definitions] |
biceps |
a muscle divided in two parts at its origin, esp. the large muscle at the front of the upper arm that bends the elbow. |
bichloride |
a chemical compound in which there are two atoms of chlorine for each atom of another element or group; dichloride. |
bichloride of mercury |
see "mercuric chloride." |
bichromate |
dichromate. |
bicker |
to engage in a petty quarrel; squabble. [2 definitions] |
bicolor |
having two colors. |
biconcave |
concave on both surfaces, as a lens. |
biconvex |
convex on both surfaces, as a lens. |
bicultural |
of or displaying a blend of two different cultures in a single area. |
bicuspid |
having two cusps or pointed ends, as certain teeth. [2 definitions] |
bicycle |
a lightweight vehicle with two wheels one behind the other, handlebars for steering, pedals for locomotion, and a small saddlelike seat. (See cycle.) [2 definitions] |
bicycle motocross |
a sport in which bicycles designed for rough terrain are raced on such terrain, or used in the performance of athletic feats such as jumps, spins, and flips. |
bicycle pump |
a small pump used to inflate bicycle tires, esp. a hand-held pump that may be attached to a bicycle frame when not in use. |
bicycle rickshaw |
a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; cycle rickshaw. |