bidding |
direction; command. [2 definitions] |
biddy1 |
a hen or young chicken. |
biddy2 |
(informal) a fussy or talkative old woman. |
bide |
to stay or remain. [2 definitions] |
bidentate |
having two teeth or toothlike extensions. |
bide one's time |
to wait for an opportunity. |
bidet |
a low, basin-shaped fixture, found esp. in France, used for washing the genital and anal areas. |
biennial |
occurring every second year. [5 definitions] |
bier |
a frame or stand on which a corpse, sometimes in a coffin, is laid prior to burial. |
bifid |
cleft in two equal parts; forked. |
bifocal |
in optics, having two focal lengths. [3 definitions] |
bifurcate |
to divide into two branches. [2 definitions] |
bifurcation |
the act or result of dividing into two branches, or the state of being so divided. |
big |
large in size, number, extent, or weight. [7 definitions] |
bigamous |
being married to two husbands or two wives simultaneously, or involving such a condition. |
bigamy |
in law, the crime of marrying one person while still married to another. |
big band |
a large jazz or dance band, esp. one of the 1930s and 1940s in the U.S., that combines arranged ensemble playing with solo improvisations. [2 definitions] |
big bang theory |
the theory that the universe originated at a fixed point billions of years ago in a cosmic explosion of a mass of hydrogen atoms, and that it has been expanding ever since. (Cf. steady state theory.) |
Big Ben |
the bell in the clock tower of the Parliament building in London. [2 definitions] |
big brother |
an elder brother. [3 definitions] |
Big Dipper |
part of the constellation Ursa Major, made up of its seven brightest stars and forming the shape of a ladle, or dipper. |