biochemistry |
the science of the chemistry of living things. |
biocide |
any substance capable of killing living organisms. |
biodegradable |
subject to decomposition by the action of living organisms such as bacteria. |
biodegrade |
to break down through the action of living organisms. |
biodiesel |
a low-polluting type of diesel fuel made from renewable, organically-derived oils such as vegetable oils or waste animal fats. |
biodiverse |
having a high level of biodiversity. |
biodiversity |
the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution. |
biodynamic1 |
of or pertaining to the branch of biology dealing with the motion of living organisms. [2 definitions] |
biodynamic2 |
a form of organic farming that is holistic and applies mystical and astrological practices. [2 definitions] |
bioelectricity |
the scientific study of biological electric currents and fields and of the effects of external electromagnetic forces on biological systems. |
bioengineering |
the application of engineering principles and technology to medical and biological problems, such as the modification of genes. |
bioethical |
of or pertaining to the ethical implications of biological research and biological research applications. |
bioethics |
the study of the ethical implications of biological and medical research and research applications. |
biofeedback |
a method for self-regulation of presumably involuntary bodily functions, such as heartbeat rate, with the aid of electronic monitors that display visual representations of such functions. |
bioflavonoid |
any of a group of yellow hydrocarbon pigments found in many flowers and fruits, once thought to be important as a vitamin in humans; vitamin P. |
biogas |
any gaseous fuel produced by the bacterial decomposition of organic matter, composed primarily of methane and carbon dioxide. |
biogenesis |
the principle that living organisms are generated only by other living organisms. [2 definitions] |
biogeography |
the study of the geographic distribution of living organisms. |
biographer |
a person who writes biography. |
biographical |
of or relating to the facts and circumstances of a person's life. [2 definitions] |
biography |
an account, usu. written, of the facts and circumstances of one person's life. [3 definitions] |