bird dog |
a dog or breed of dogs used to hunt or retrieve game birds. |
bird feeder |
an outdoor device used for feeding wild birds. |
birdhouse |
a man-made nesting structure for birds, usu. built to look like a house. [2 definitions] |
birdie |
any small bird. [3 definitions] |
birding |
the activity or hobby of observing and identifying birds in the wild; bird-watching. |
birdlime |
a sticky substance, made from plants such as holly or mistletoe, that is smeared on branches and twigs to catch small birds when they alight. [2 definitions] |
bird of paradise |
any of various related birds of New Guinea and nearby regions, of which the male has colorful plumage and long tail feathers. [2 definitions] |
bird of passage |
a bird that migrates. [2 definitions] |
bird of prey |
any bird that feeds on other birds or animals, such as a hawk or vulture. |
birdseed |
seeds, usu. in a mixture, used to feed birds. |
bird's-eye |
as seen from high above; covering a wide span but not detailed or thorough. [4 definitions] |
bird shot |
small shot used to shoot birds. |
birds of a feather |
persons having common interests, values, opinions, or backgrounds. |
bird-watching |
the activity or hobby of observing and identifying birds in the wild: birding. |
birefringence |
the splitting of a light wave into two perpendicular waves that have different speeds, as in some crystals. |
bireme |
a galley of ancient times, with two tiers of oarsmen on each side. |
biretta |
in the Roman Catholic and some Anglican churches, a stiff, square cap with three or four raised ridges, worn by clergymen and varying in color according to their rank. |
birl |
to rotate (a floating log) by running in place on its exposed surface, as in a contest among lumberjacks. |
birling |
a game or contest of skill between two lumberjacks, won by whoever maintains his balance longest while balancing on and rotating a floating log. |
birr1 |
a whirring sound. [3 definitions] |
birr2 |
the chief monetary unit of Ethiopia, equaling one hundred cents. |