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biped a two-footed animal. [2 definitions]
bipedalism the condition of having two feet or of using two feet for locomotion.
bipetalous having two petals.
biphenyl diphenyl.
bipinnate having opposing leaflets that are in turn divided into smaller opposing leaflets, as certain compound leaves.
biplane an early type of airplane with two sets of wings mounted one above the other.
bipolar having two poles, as a planet. [2 definitions]
biracial composed of or representing two races, such as black and white.
birch a deciduous tree or shrub with close-grained, hard wood and smooth bark that can be peeled off. [5 definitions]
bird a warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate animal with wings and feathers, which usu. has the ability to fly. [5 definitions]
birdbath a basin for wild birds to bathe in, often an ornamental structure manufactured for this purpose.
birdcage a cage for confining or keeping birds.
bird call the cry or song of a bird. [3 definitions]
bird dog a dog or breed of dogs used to hunt or retrieve game birds.
birdhouse a man-made nesting structure for birds, usu. built to look like a house. [2 definitions]
birdie any small bird. [3 definitions]
birding the activity or hobby of observing and identifying birds in the wild; bird-watching.
birdlime a sticky substance, made from plants such as holly or mistletoe, that is smeared on branches and twigs to catch small birds when they alight. [2 definitions]
bird of paradise any of various related birds of New Guinea and nearby regions, of which the male has colorful plumage and long tail feathers. [2 definitions]
bird of passage a bird that migrates. [2 definitions]
bird of prey any bird that feeds on other birds or animals, such as a hawk or vulture.