blacksnake |
any of various dark-colored, usu. nonpoisonous North American snakes, esp. the black racer. [2 definitions] |
blackstrap molasses |
a dark, thick molasses from which most of the sugar has been removed. |
blackthorn |
a thorny European shrub with many branches, bearing white flowers and bluishblack, plumlike fruit. [2 definitions] |
black tie |
the black bow tie worn on semiformal occasions with a dinner jacket or tuxedo. [2 definitions] |
black-tie |
requiring semi-formal attire, esp., for the men, a black bow tie and dinner jacket or tuxedo. |
blacktop |
a bituminous substance such as asphalt, used as pavement. [3 definitions] |
black walnut |
a tall tree of eastern North America that has dark, hard wood valued for making furniture and other durable wood products. [3 definitions] |
black widow |
a small spider, widespread in the United States, of which the female has a shiny, black body with an hourglass-shaped red mark on its underside, a poisonous but usu. not fatal bite, and a reputation for sometimes devouring its mate. |
bladder |
an expandable sac or pouch in humans and animals in which gas or liquid, esp. urine, collects. [3 definitions] |
bladderwort |
any of a large group of mostly aquatic plants with small bladders on their finely divided leaves that trap their prey. |
blade |
the cutting part of a knife, sword, scissors, or the like. [6 definitions] |
blah |
used to indicate insignificant, predictable, boring, or irritating things being said (often spoken in repetition). [4 definitions] |
blain |
an inflamed swelling or sore on the skin. |
blamable |
deserving blame; guilty. |
blame |
to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault. [5 definitions] |
blameless |
free from guilt or blame. |
blameworthy |
meriting reproach or blame. |
blanch |
to turn pale. [5 definitions] |
blancmange |
a white, sweet milk pudding, thickened with cornstarch or gelatin and flavored with vanilla or rum. |
bland |
without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent. [3 definitions] |
blandish |
to convince or coax with flattery; cajole. [2 definitions] |