blade |
the cutting part of a knife, sword, scissors, or the like. [6 definitions] |
blah |
used to indicate insignificant, predictable, boring, or irritating things being said (often spoken in repetition). [4 definitions] |
blain |
an inflamed swelling or sore on the skin. |
blamable |
deserving blame; guilty. |
blame |
to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault. [5 definitions] |
blameless |
free from guilt or blame. |
blameworthy |
meriting reproach or blame. |
blanch |
to turn pale. [5 definitions] |
blancmange |
a white, sweet milk pudding, thickened with cornstarch or gelatin and flavored with vanilla or rum. |
bland |
without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent. [3 definitions] |
blandish |
to convince or coax with flattery; cajole. [2 definitions] |
blandishment |
the act of blandishing; coaxing. [2 definitions] |
blank |
empty or clear, as a space on a surface. [12 definitions] |
blank check |
a bank check with the signature, but not the amount, filled in, leaving the payee free to set the amount. [2 definitions] |
blanket |
a thick, rectangular piece of woven material used on a bed for warmth or worn as a garment. [5 definitions] |
blank verse |
unrhymed verse, usu. in iambic pentameter. |
blare |
to sound loudly and harshly. [3 definitions] |
blarney |
skillful or smooth talk, often with some deceit and in an effort to gain favor from the listener. [2 definitions] |
Blarney stone |
a stone in Blarney Castle in Ireland, reputed to give the gift of blarney to those who kiss it. |
blasé |
unstimulated or unimpressed, usu. due to a feeling that one has already experienced more or better. |
blaspheme |
to speak with disrespect or impiety of (a deity or anything sacred). [2 definitions] |