blow-dry |
to dry or arrange (the hair) with the aid of an electrical hand-held air blower. [2 definitions] |
blower |
someone or something that blows, esp. a machine that forces air to blow. |
blowfish |
the puffer or globefish. |
blowfly |
any of various flies that deposit their eggs on carrion, dung, or the open sores or wounds of living animals. |
blowgun |
a hollow tube through which missiles such as darts, pellets, or arrows may be projected by blowing. |
blowhard |
one who talks and boasts about oneself a great deal. |
blowhole |
a single nostril in the top of the head, through which a whale or similar animal breathes. [3 definitions] |
blow job |
(vulgar slang) an act of fellatio. |
blown |
swollen or bloated; inflated. [5 definitions] |
blow off steam |
(informal) to release pent-up anger or frustration by saying or doing something. |
blow one's top |
(informal) to lose emotional control; become angry. |
blowout |
the sudden bursting of a vessel containing air or liquid under pressure, esp. an automobile tire. [2 definitions] |
blow out |
to stop the burning of (something) with the movement of air. [2 definitions] |
blow over |
to subside; let up. |
blowpipe |
a metal tube through which air or gas is forced in a controlled flow into a flame to concentrate and intensify its heat. [3 definitions] |
blow (someone) a kiss |
to kiss the palm of one's hand or the back of one's fingers and then blow over the palm toward (someone), symbolically giving that person a kiss. |
blowtorch |
a portable oil-burning or gas-burning device producing an intense, localized flame suitable for melting or cutting metal. |
blowup |
an explosion. [3 definitions] |
blow up |
to explode. [6 definitions] |
blowy |
characterized by blowing; breezy or windy. [2 definitions] |
blowzy |
coarse and ruddy-faced. [2 definitions] |