blowtorch |
a portable oil-burning or gas-burning device producing an intense, localized flame suitable for melting or cutting metal. |
blowup |
an explosion. [3 definitions] |
blow up |
to explode. [6 definitions] |
blowy |
characterized by blowing; breezy or windy. [2 definitions] |
blowzy |
coarse and ruddy-faced. [2 definitions] |
a toasted sandwich made with fried bacon, strips of lettuce, and sliced tomato. |
blubber |
the layer of fat beneath the skin of whales, seals, and other large sea mammals. [5 definitions] |
blubbery |
fat or swollen. [3 definitions] |
blucher |
a low sturdy leather boot. [2 definitions] |
bludgeon |
a short stick with one end thicker and heavier than the other, used as a weapon; club. [3 definitions] |
blue |
the color of a cloudless sky; the color between green and violet on the spectrum. [8 definitions] |
blue baby |
an infant born with blue-tinged skin from insufficient oxygen in the blood, caused by a congenital heart or lung defect. |
Bluebeard |
in folklore, a man who married and then killed six wives. |
bluebell |
any of various plants with blue, bell-shaped flowers. |
blueberry |
a small, round, edible berry that is blue or blue-black in color. [2 definitions] |
bluebird |
a small North American songbird having blue plumage, and, in the male, a reddish breast. |
blue blood |
noble, aristocratic, or socially prominent lineage. [2 definitions] |
bluebonnet |
the cornflower. [3 definitions] |
blue book |
an official U.S. government publication, such as a report or register, often with a blue cover. [3 definitions] |
bluebottle |
a cornflower. [2 definitions] |
blue cheese |
a rich strong-flavored semisoft cheese made of cow's milk and veined with blue mold. |