borzoi |
one of a breed of dogs originating in Russia, having a tall slender body, narrow head, and long silky hair; Russian wolfhound. |
boscage |
a mass of woody growth; thicket. |
bosh |
(informal) foolish or meaningless talk; nonsense. |
bosk |
a small wooded or brushy area; thicket. |
bosky |
covered with trees or bushes; wooded. |
bo's'n |
variant of boatswain. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
since 1992, a Balkan republic bordered by Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia. |
bosom |
the front part of the chest, esp. that of a woman. [7 definitions] |
bosomy |
of a woman, having large or prominent breasts. |
boss1 |
a person who employs others or supervises their work; manager. [7 definitions] |
boss2 |
a rounded projection or swelling. [4 definitions] |
bossa nova |
a musical blend of jazz and samba, or the Brazilian dance performed to such music. |
bossism |
domination or control by bosses, as of a political party or unit or a governmental entity. |
bossy1 |
(informal) domineering; overbearing; pushy. |
bossy2 |
embellished with bosses or studs. |
bossy3 |
(informal) a cow. |
Boston |
the capital of Massachusetts. |
Boston brown bread |
a dark steamed bread made of corn meal or graham or whole wheat flour, sweetened with molasses. |
Boston cream pie |
a two-layer cake with a custard filling and chocolate icing. |
Boston fern |
a fern commonly cultivated as a houseplant, with opposing staggered leaflets on long arched drooping stems. |
Boston ivy |
a woody climbing vine of Asian origin, commonly grown in the United States as an exterior wall cover, that has three-lobed leaves and bears purple berries. |