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boutonniere a flower or flowers worn in a buttonhole of a lapel.
bouvardia any of several tropical American plants cultivated for their showy red or white flowers.
Bouvier des Flandres any of a breed of large dog that has a rough coat and pointed ears and was originally used in Belgium for herding cattle.
bouzouki a long-necked stringed musical instrument resembling a mandolin or lute.
bovine of, related to, or resembling a cow or ox. [3 definitions]
bovine spongiform encephalopathy a fatal disease, also known as "mad cow disease," that affects the nervous system of cattle.
bow1 to bend the head or the upper part of the body forward in greeting, acknowledgment, consent, submission, or the like. [8 definitions]
bow2 a weapon, used for shooting arrows, made of a curved strip of wood or other material with a cord stretched taut between the two ends. [7 definitions]
bow3 the front part of a ship or boat. [3 definitions]
bow and arrow weaponry consisting of a bow or bows and the arrows that are propelled from them.
bow and scrape to behave with excessive politeness and deference.
bowdlerize to omit or modify parts of (a book, play, or the like) that are considered immoral or indecent.
bowel (usu. pl.) the part of the digestive organs below the stomach; intestine. [2 definitions]
bowelless combined form of bowel.
bowel movement the evacuation of waste matter from the bowels. [2 definitions]
bower1 a pleasant, secluded alcove or shelter created by leafy trees or shrubbery. [2 definitions]
bower2 a heavy anchor, situated at the bow of a ship.
bowery a Dutch settler's farm or country residence in early New York. [2 definitions]
bowfin a primitive, carnivorous freshwater fish found in eastern North America that has a rounded tail and a long fin on its back.
bowie knife a hunting knife about fifteen inches long that has a single-edged, pointed blade and a crosspiece and is usu. sheathed.
bowknot a decorative knot with large loops that is often used in ribbons, shoelaces, string, or the like; bow.