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bowl1 a deep, rounded dish used mostly for containing food, liquids, or the like. [6 definitions]
bowl2 a large wooden ball shaped or weighted so as to roll in a curved path, used in lawn bowling. [8 definitions]
bowleg an outward curving of the leg, most pronounced at the knee area, or a leg having such a curvature.
bow-legged having legs that curve outward around or below the knees.
bowler1 one who bowls.
bowler2 a derby hat.
bowline a knot that will not slip or jam, used for making a loop at the end of a rope. [2 definitions]
bowling a game in which a heavy ball is rolled along a wooden alley toward wooden pins that are standing at the far end. [2 definitions]
bowling alley a long narrow wooden expanse of floor with gutters on either side, used for the game of bowling. [2 definitions]
bowl over to strike down or throw to the ground. [2 definitions]
bowls a game played on a smooth lawn, in which the players roll wooden balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball; lawn bowling.
bowman1 an archer.
bowman2 the person who handles the oar closest to the bow of a boat.
bow out to remove oneself from an activity or the like; leave, withdraw, or resign.
bowshot the distance an arrow travels or can travel when shot from a bow.
bowsprit a large pole projecting forward from the bow of some sailing vessels.
bowstring the cord stretched between the two ends of an archer's bow. [3 definitions]
bow tie a short necktie tied in a bow.
bow window a bay window built in a curve outward from a building.
box1 a container made of cardboard, wood, or other stiff material, usu. rectangular and having a lid for the top. [9 definitions]
box2 a hit or blow struck with the hand or fist. [6 definitions]